Giving a Dead Manuscript Some Life
Rejection is an inevitable part of everyone’s publishing journey at every stage. And with rejections come “dead manuscripts”. Well, I’ve just decided to start giving my dead manuscripts some life (and some love) by painting [Read More]
Feeding Our Folktales to the Sea
Feeding Our Folktales to the Sea *
Volumes and volumes of Jewish folktales line my shelves. I imagine my great-grandparents, who I never knew, chanting them in foreign tongues. In my imagination, they add details, constructed [Read More]
What Really Matters in a Broken World
What really matters in such a broken world?
This was meant to be a big week for me.
On the day the bodies of Hersh, Carmel, Eden, Ori, Almog, and Alex were found (1/9), just days after their [Read More]
Writing History While Living It
Writing history while living it summarizes my post-Oct 7 writing experience.
I recently sent revisions of my middle grade novel back to my agent. While waiting is associated with the initial query process, in finding an [Read More]
Seeing Stars and Other Benchmarks
Seeing stars in kidlit announcements is one more thing that was never explained to me. Stars are awarded by the major trade reviewers: Kirkus, School Library Journal, PublishersWeekly, The Horn Book. This is an evolving [Read More]
Keeping the Historical in Historical Fiction
Historical fiction was the genre that made me fall in love with reading as a child. It’s still one of my absolute favorites today so it shouldn’t be surprising that I love writing it too. [Read More]
Shhhhh – Secrets in Kidlit Posts
I’ve been thinking about all of the things that I have learned since signing my first picture book contract in 2021 for Alone Together on Dan Street (published in 2022 by Apples & Honey [Read More]
Researching Saliman’s World
Every writer has a favorite (and least favorite) step in the process of creating a manuscript. For me, research is my clear favorite. Research starts the second after I have that ‘lightbulb’ moment. I love [Read More]
Finding My Way – The Artist’s Way
The last six months have been tough, but I’m beginning to find my way, the artist’s way.
I’ve always had a million excuses not to write, but I now at least have a couple of valid [Read More]
When Did Writing Jewish Kidlit Become an Act of Resistance?
When did writing Jewish kidlit become an act of resistance?
What’s the value of Jewish narratives at a time when it feels like no one is listening?
Since 7 October it feels like, as Jewish creatives, we’re [Read More]
You Wrote – You Deserve an Award!
The end of the Western calendar year, always means ‘Best of” lists. It can be an exciting time and it can also be a disappointing time too.
I was very grateful to have both Zhen Yu [Read More]
Rejections Are Sometimes Bittersweet
Rejections are sometimes bitter, but rejections are sometimes bittersweet.
Today I got a long awaited response to a picture book exclusive submission. An exclusive is when an acquiring editor/ publishing house is the only [Read More]
When You Wish You Had a Shoestring
Lately, I’ve been preoccupied with trying to market my books and I find myself wishing that I had more than just a shoestring budget. I have 2 new books (PB #2 and #3 for [Read More]
Working on any new projects?
When people ask me if I’m working on any new projects, I don’t always know how to answer this. Which also makes the question, how is your book coming difficult to answer too.
I’m always working [Read More]
Maybe Not a Review – This May Be New
This might be a review or it might be old news, but there is much to learn about publishing.
When I was a child, my mother was a US history teacher. She had a graduate degree [Read More]
Picture Books Aren’t Just for Kids
Picture books are for kids, but they aren’t just for kids. While picture books are short and presumably written in language that is fairly accessible, they’re deceptively complex. They are concise. Every word matters, but [Read More]
Learning the Business Side of Publishing
When I finally decided to try to start a career in children’s books, I imagined a rich and rewarding creative life of long walks where I do my best thinking and then school visits and [Read More]
Time to Accept That Publishing Isn’t a Quick Process
Book publishing isn’t a quick process. I don’t think there’s another industry like it.
Many years ago, I was a lawyer. It’s not hard to imagine what the response would have been been had I adopted [Read More]
Imposter Syndrome is Real in Kidlit
Imposter syndrome is real and I feel it acutely now. I’ve volunteered to be a mentor for PB Rising Stars!
I’m really excited, but considering I signed my first PB contract (first kidlit contract) in [Read More]
On Changing Book Titles: Part of the Process
Book titles change at various stages of the publishing process. I love coming up with titles. I like to think that I’m good at it. After all, I titled (or was the final say on) [Read More]
Do Something You’re Not Good At
When I was little, there were lots of things that I knew that I wasn’t good at and it really bothered me. The only thing that I thought that I was maybe a little good [Read More]
At My Desk, but Off and Running: Writing and Editing
It’s only been a few days with the kids back to school (4/1), but I’m off to a running start.
I pressed SEND on my MG manuscript. I’m a’frayda’a what my [Read More]
Looking Forward and Looking Back 2022
It’s that time of the year for looking back and forward to see what progress I’ve made in my new kidlit career.
Looking back:
2022 wasn’t the year I thought it would be. I ended up getting [Read More]
Kidlit from Passover Past (Behrman House 1952)
My mother saved two books from her childhood: The Passover Story and The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. My copy of The Rubaiyat is in NY so I can’t revisit that now, but my love of kidlit (and [Read More]
Kidlit Author Mission Statement to Help You Grow
I spend lots of time listening to podcasts. Many of those podcasts are focused on kidlit (or other writing and creativity). On my Friday morning walks, it’s time for Book Friends Forever (and Unorthodox). I [Read More]
Preparing for School Visits and Festival Presentations
Right now I’m preparing for an upcoming literary festival and related school visits. After, I’m traveling to New York for more author visits. The New York trip is perfectly timed to highlight a story [Read More]
Save the Cat and My Manuscript
My cat is fine. My manuscript isn’t. There are reasons for this. Here is goes…
I don’t outline. I don’t write character worksheets. I don’t plot. I don’t plan. I have no pre-writing system.
I write the first [Read More]
Our new book is out! Growing Up Jewish In India, ed. Ori Z Soltes, Niyogi Books, October 2021, is a collection of essays and over 150 images that explore how Indian Jews retained their unique characteristics, as [Read More]
Not a Muse: The Inner Lives of Women, a World Poetry Anthology (Shoebox of My Life)
Though I’m very kidlit focused these days, I’ve been a part of many incredible projects over the years. I just pulled this wonderful anthology off my shelf, Not a Muse: The Inner Lives of [Read More]
What To Expect When You Have a Publishing Offer
You have a publishing contract. Now what? Can someone please write this guide?
I’m one year in since the sale of my first manuscript (Alone Together on Dan Street, Apples & Honey Press) and I have [Read More]
Read 100+ New Picture Books: Easier Said than Done
The idea that picture book writers should read 100/300/500 new traditionally published picture books to improve their craft is great advice, essential even. With envy, I view social media pictures of giant stacks of new [Read More]
How I Found My Agent (Part 3/3: Finding My Way)
My pandemic writing woes were answered in January 2021. I finally discovered STORYSTORM. This was perfect! I could easy jot down an idea even with the chaos of a city in extended lockdown mode (still [Read More]
How I Found My Agent (Part 2/3: Getting Directions)
How I Found My Agent (Part 2/3: Getting Directions)
In 2015, I decided to do just that, learn how the industry operates. I joined SCBWI and joined an incredible SCWBI Hong Kong critique group. I read [Read More]
How I Found My Agent (Part 1/3: Lost)
This post is long overdue (and long). I had a number of false starts to my KidLit career and learned many lessons along the way.
In 2015, I participated in NaNoWriMo. I had recently decided [Read More]
Business Cards
I held my debut picture book (Alone Together on Dan Street) in my hands and then also realized that it was on pre-order online! I’m going to have actual readers soon!
It might not seem obvious, [Read More]
My First Published Piece
My debut picture book is out this March (Alone Together on Dan Street, Apples & Honey Press, March 2022) and this has been making me think about my writing journey. I recently found my first [Read More]
It’s Been Another (Gregorian calendar) Year
As I prepare to say goodbye to 2021 (likely a bit earlier for me in this part of the world than for most), there’s so much to reflect on, but I’ll focus on writing in [Read More]
Once Upon a Quarantine
Once upon a time, I imagined that one day there would be a table at a favorite coffeeshop where I would sip Americanos and nibble on scones and write. I would then be able to [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
It has been a few weeks since my last post. Ok. It’s been a month, but I’ve been busy with family and friends, the beach and eating. We all traveled to Israel to see my [Read More]
Coming Soon!
Alone Together on Dan Street, Apples & Honey Press, March 2022 (PB)
Counting on Naamah: A Mathematical Midrash on Noah’s Ark, Intergalactic Afikoman, 2022 (PB)
My Grief is Real – Now I’m Writing it
My grief is now real. My mother is gone. Now I need to try to do something with it. I guess writing it is the answer.
My grief hits me every quiet moment that I manage [Read More]
Shavua Shorts: More Writing About My Mom
This week was mostly focused on trying to pack away some of my mother’s things. It’s been over a year, but everything was left just as it was the day she fell. She was disorganized [Read More]
Signed with an Agent!
I think I’m meant to write one of those long ‘how I found my agent’ posts because I’m now officially represented by Caryn Wiseman of the Andrea Brown Literacy Agency!
I’m so excited to begin to [Read More]
The Vaccine Wasn’t Ready in Time to Save Mom (published on Modern Loss)
It’s Sunday, April 11, 2021. Two days from now, it will have been one year since my mother passed away, according to the Gregorian calendar. The yahrzeit, or anniversary on the Hebrew calendar, has just [Read More]
Publishing Filled With Losses and Wins
Publishing is filled with losses and wins though this week it was mostly wins.
- My piece for Modern Loss was published so I suppose that is a publishing win. It was about receiving the [Read More]
Ways to Give Aid for COVID Relief in India
The Jewish community of India is very dear to my heart.
India is undergoing a major COVID crisis right now. If we have all learned anything from COVID, it is that we are all in [Read More]
Shavua Shorts (Spring Fling Win!)
Writing can be slow and solitary. This turned out to be a pretty exciting week in my writing world.
- I was a winner of the Spring Fling KidLit Contest for my story The Art [Read More]
Writing, Editing, Querying, Repeat
It was more writing, editing, and querying. Repeat. I’m still determined to get a piece into Tiny Love – one day.
I wrote and then revised a picture book manuscript based on a story from Talmud. [Read More]
A Rollercoaster: Ups & Downs of Covid Writing
Back on the rollercoaster of publishing (and life) ups and downs.
It was the 1st yahrzeit (anniversary on the Hebrew calendar) of my mother’s death. I ordinarily sleep for 5-6 hours. I slept for 12. By [Read More]
The Art of the Park: An Insider’s View for Spring Fling 2021
The Art of the Park: An Insider’s View
Word count: 150
On Mondays Ari drew Josh playing soccer.
On Tuesdays he painted Lilah feeding the ducks.
On Wednesdays he sketched Zayde playing chess.
On Thursdays he sculpted the carousel horses.
On [Read More]
Adoption and Fostering in Jewish KitLit
There are very few books on adoption or fostering in Jewish kidlt. This list is an ongoing list (hopefully) that I will continue to update, and a topic that comes up often in my family. [Read More]
Shavua Shorts: A Rollercoaster of Emotions
It’s been a BIG week and a rollercoaster of emotions. Yes, again.
Vaccine (2nd dose) UN-booked (by the government)!
There were alleged irregularities with the packaging of the BioNTech vaccine and the program has been halted [Read More]
The Call (Agent Offer): Saying No
It’s been a BIG week and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Vaccine booked! Two days before the first yahrzeit (anniversary) of my mother’s death, I will be fully vaccinated against the disease that killed her.
As [Read More]
Jewish Asian/ Asia (Far East) KidLit
This is an ongoing list that I will continue to update, but a topic that comes up often in my community. This list is part of a larger conversation about what qualifies as Jewish literature [Read More]
I’m a KidLit Author: My First Book Contract!
It’s official! I’m an author! I was offered my first book contract for a picture book manuscript. Before I open the champagne, there are two things standing in the way of my celebration.
Firstly, I want [Read More]
Twitter on Publishing
If Twitter was actual publishing, I could confidently say that I’m extremely prolific, but, then again, it were life, I could say that I’m social.
For all the negativity that people associate with Twitter, and social [Read More]
Storystorm (Chapter 2)
Though January is long gone, Storystorm isn’t – at least for me it’s not. I have made additional copies of the pages I used in January and taped them into my notebook. While I’m still [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
Happy Lunar New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choi!
It was a strangely quiet, but beautiful holiday this year. With much of the city shutdown, we missed out on large scale celebrations, but we enjoyed some incredible [Read More]
Storystorm: Challenge Completed (Chapter 1)
Of all the virtual writing community events, Storystorm perhaps requires the smallest time commitment (and no financial commitment). Participants write down one potential picture book idea each [Read More]
How to Measure Progress and Success
It’s a slow start to the new year in terms of progress and I think that I have to look at success differently in what amounts to an extended pandemic lockdown. Some days, just helping [Read More]
A Year in Review
This year, there are plenty of things that I didn’t get done: deadlines that weren’t met, trips not taken, and occasions not celebrated. While it’s easy to focus on loses, I’d like to try to [Read More]
Book Review: The Wolf of Baghdad- Memoir of a Lost Homeland
The Wolf of Baghdad: Memoir of a Lost Homeland by Carol Isaacs (the Surreal McCoy) is a hauntingly beautiful graphic memoir that tells the story of Isaacs family in Jewish Baghdad almost without words. The [Read More]
The KidLit That Got Me Through the Pandemic (Part 1)
While the pandemic has been long, my time to myself has been short. With four children learning in an apartment since January, we are all trying our best. Three are online and one, with special [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
Four weeks have gone by that included a 2 week trip to Israel followed by a 2 week hotel quarantine. I’m making the most of my quarantine to finish polishing my middle grade manuscript and [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
- Exchanged another two chapters of my MG Historical Fiction with my critique partner.
- Received one rejection on a piece I submitted to a journal last month.
- Decided that NaNoWriMo is unrealistic because I will [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
As my computer dies a slow death, I have been in a rush to try to make sure that everything is saved somewhere. I can only work in about 10 minute spurts (battery runs out [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
It wasn’t the most productive week, but considering it was a school holiday for Sukkot and Mid-Autumn Festival anything that I accomplished was a bonus. The current news cycle didn’t help with focus either. I [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
- Wrote an essay about my cat and submitted it to a contest.
- Wrote and submitted a 55-word flash piece (Welter 55 Contest) thanks to Erika Dreifus’s The Practising Writer.
- Worked on another [Read More]
Text Message from Mom
Text Messages from Mom
I woke up today to three new text messages from my mother. We buried her in April, but apparently not her phone.
“There’s a logical explanation,” says my husband, “Call your dad.”
“Maybe [Read More]
Shavua Shorts
Welcome to my first Shavua Shorts post.
Shavua is the Hebrew word meaning ‘week’. This is where I’ll list my writing progress for the week and sometimes also what I’ve read and am reading, a picture, [Read More]
I’ve Never Been Here Before without a Map
I’ve never experienced a year like this. I’ve experience grief before, but it’s different each time. There is no map.
According to the Jewish calendar (and the school [Read More]
Book Review: Meet the Latkes
Meet the Latkes, by Alan Silberberg, was an instantaneous hit in our home. Lucy Latke and her crazy potato latkes family won us all over completely (except [Read More]
Book Review: Flowers in Full Bloom
Maybe it’s because its finally spring here in Hong Kong or just because I’m feeling a bit nostalgic, but I pulled Flowers in Full Bloom from my bookshelf. It was one of my favorite childhood [Read More]
Book Review: Let’s Talk About Race
I am completely gobsmacked by the sheer beauty and wisdom of Let’s Talk About Race by Julius Lester. The clarity of his language and the [Read More]
The Asian Jewish Life Story
The story of how and why Asian Jewish Life was founded is perhaps long overdue. Though I have recounted [Read More]