Four weeks have gone by that included a 2 week trip to Israel followed by a 2 week hotel quarantine. I’m making the most of my quarantine to finish polishing my middle grade manuscript and to compile a list of agents to query. I surprised myself by managing to enjoy the editing process and was lucky enough to have the support of a wonderful critique group, critique partner, and independent editor.
In my final 24 hours of this literal journey, I’m preparing for #PitMad. The timing isn’t quite geared towards participation from Asia, but these things never are. While I could schedule my tweets, I’ve opted to sign up for an online event at 1:30am on the Persian-Jewish diaspora (The Day to Remember the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from Arab Countries and Iran) with Israeli singer Rita Yohan-Farouz and Senator Anna M. Kaplan.
Post-PitMad, I’m going to start to query!
I’m also picking up an old partially completed manuscript to begin work on again at the insistence of my very supportive critique group. It’s a contemporary middle grade sports fiction set in Hong Kong.
Glad to be back blogging and almost back home.