It’s been a BIG week and a rollercoaster of emotions. Yes, again.
Vaccine (2nd dose) UN-booked (by the government)!
There were alleged irregularities with the packaging of the BioNTech vaccine and the program has been halted while an investigation is underway.
Of course, the batch I received is the batch in question.
Of course, all the evidence has disappeared further halting the program
This week (March 24 in Hong Kong) was one year from the day my mother fell and ended up in the hospital where she caught COVID.
So, to mix things up, I decided to send my MG manuscript out to one more agent. All the certainty that I felt last week is gone.
I also signed my first book contract and got a peak at the cover of a beautiful non-fiction book that I contributed a chapter to that will be published in Spring 2021 (Growing Up Jewish in India, Niyogi Press). I can’t wait to share this cover!
If you’re celebrating, have a very happy Pesach.