Happy Lunar New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choi!
It was a strangely quiet, but beautiful holiday this year. With much of the city shutdown, we missed out on large scale celebrations, but we enjoyed some incredible hikes and great weather with friends. The holiday also meant though that my time was even more limited, but I still managed to take part in PBPitch, a Twitter pitch event for picture books. I am super new to picture books, but my takeaway from PitMad, in December, is that there is no downside to participating in these events. Writing a very concise pitch also helps to better define the heart of the story. Also, there is also very little time commitment which is important during a pandemic and when you have a 13 hour time difference from EST to take into account (use an online time converter to avoid errors).
Apparently, I can write a pitch.
Even my small success with this event coupled with the tremendous support from the Twitter writing community, has helped reenergize me and I’m already feeling more creative and positive. I’m busy with sending out a couple more queries and am also simultaneously revising my MG HF- again.
Happy writing!