Adoption and Fostering in Jewish KitLit

There are very few books on adoption or fostering in Jewish kidlt. This list is an ongoing list (hopefully) that I will continue to update, and a topic that comes up often in my family. It’s shockingly small so I’m [Read More]

Shavua Shorts: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

It’s been a BIG week and a rollercoaster of emotions. Yes, again.

Vaccine (2nd dose) UN-booked (by the government)!

There were alleged irregularities with the packaging of the BioNTech vaccine and the program has been halted while an investigation is underway.

Of [Read More]

The Call (Agent Offer): Saying No

It’s been a BIG week and a rollercoaster of emotions.

Vaccine booked! Two days before the first yahrzeit (anniversary) of my mother’s death, I will be fully vaccinated against the disease that killed her.

As for writing news, I have [Read More]

Jewish Asian/ Asia (Far East) KidLit

This is an ongoing list that I will continue to update, but a topic that comes up often in my community. This list is part of a larger conversation about what qualifies as Jewish literature and what qualifies as Asian [Read More]

Twitter on Publishing

If Twitter was actual publishing, I could confidently say that I’m extremely prolific, but, then again, it were life, I could say that I’m social.

For all the negativity that people associate with Twitter, and social media generally, I feel like [Read More]

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