Looking Forward and Looking Back 2022

It’s that time of the year for looking back and forward to see what progress I’ve made in my new kidlit career.

Looking back:

2022 wasn’t the year I thought it would be. I ended up getting so much more than I [Read More]

Save the Cat and My Manuscript

My cat is fine. My manuscript isn’t. There are reasons for this. Here is goes…

I don’t outline. I don’t write character worksheets. I don’t plot. I don’t plan. I have no pre-writing system.

I write the first scene and the last scene [Read More]


Our new book is out! Growing Up Jewish In India, ed. Ori Z Soltes, Niyogi Books, October 2021, is a collection of essays and over 150 images that explore how Indian Jews retained their unique characteristics, as well as became integrated into [Read More]

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